Home Care boss calls for Dignitas suicide clinics in Britain.

Dr Chai Patel, who overseas 230 nursing homes in Britain is calling for establishment of suicide clinics.  According to the 
Telegraph newspaper Patel stated at the National Care Homes Congress
Chai Patel


Dr Patel said the argument for the right to die should come strictly from an "ethical and human perspective" but acknowledged that it could also have a financial impact. 

"If as people we think this is a higher ground to take as a society, then it is the right thing to do, the economic reasons around that should not drive it," he said. "Once people agree this is the way they want to go, the financial resources what will be, will be."

The Telegraph reported Patel, who is a multi millionaire, and provides medical care to the wealthy, also stated:

This could eventually lead to clinics like Dignitas operating in the UK, rather than forcing people to visit Switzerland to end their life, he said.

Dignitas coffin
The Swiss media reported today that the Dignitas suicide clinic in Basel Switzerland assisted the suicide of Pietro D'Amico, a 62-year-old magistrate from Calabria in southern Italy, in April, 2013 after D'Amico received a wrong diagnosis.
Bioethicist Wesley Smith stated today that:

There's money to be made off of suicide clinics. Perhaps the not so good doctor wants to get in on the ground floor.

Dr Patel's comments are very dangerous to the many people who have become dependent on others, especially their care-givers. Society should be treating its elders with respect. Elders are not trash to be disposed.
Link to the article: Dignitas founder, Ludwig Minelli, is reported to be making millions on assisted suicide, but the Swiss government offers no oversight.