Euthanasia: Who Cares About Right v. Wrong?

This is an excellent reflection by Wesley Smith from his blog .Human Exceptionalism Continue reading

French say 'Oui' to assisted suicide and euthanasia

It has often been said the a French do it differently; though what exactly it is that they do differently seems left undefined.  That is until the news reports today that a  Continue reading

"My fears over assisted suicide laws" top UK judge speaks out:

Baroness Butler-Sloss who headed the UK family court system speaks out against euthanasia and assisted suicide on the eve of the Appeal hearing int he UK Supreme Court in the Nicklinson/Lamb case. The quotes that follow are from the  Mail OnLine report: Continue reading

Australian Palliative Care expert explains why euthanasia is not the answer

Dr Megan Best is CMO, Community Palliative Care, based at Greenwich Hospital, North Sydney.  Dr Best spoke on palliative care, end-of-life care, euthanasia, assisted suicide and suffering at the Council on the Ageing's NSW Parliamentary Forum, Lets Talk About Dying in mid- 2013. Continue reading

The arbitrary nature of euthanasia 'safeguards'

It is a simple statement of fact that, in terms of euthanasia and assisted suicide legislation, so-called safeguards never live up to their hype nor promise.  Some have wryly observed that no law ever stops people from breaking said law, no matter what the subject matter. True enough; but few laws deal with the finality of death. This is effectively an admission that safeguards are never safe - abuse will happen. Continue reading

Supporting the right to die always runs the risk of diminishing the right to live

The Guardian columnist, Deborah Orr discusses a very difficult and tragic case:  Frances Inglis should not have been jailed for killing her brain-damaged son - but still, one person cannot decide whether or not another person's life is worth living. Continue reading

The evolution of the 'right to die'

In this post by Kevin Yuill on the the term, 'right to die' is appropriately marked in inverted commas. Spiked website Continue reading

Belgian euthanasia law and Quebec's Bill 52 are not safe.

Alex Schadenberg  compares the Quebec Bill 52 with the Belgian euthanasia laws:  Continue reading

USA: current assisted suicide debates

This summary of the situation in the USA from :Alex Schadenberg Continue reading