Tell the ACT parliament: ‘we can do better’

HOPE-Australia-ACT-Euthanasia.jpgOn 30 November, the ACT Legislative Assembly established a Select Committee to review and report on end of life choices in the ACT.

The terms of reference for the Select Committee include inquiring into and reporting on ACT community views on the desirability of voluntary assisted dying being legislated in the ACT.

If you are a resident of the ACT, the Select Committee is asking your views on voluntary assisted dying.

Let them know that we can do better for residents of the ACT, and that euthanasia and assisted suicide have no place in our nation’s capital.

Those not living in the ACT can also make a submission. The Committee is also tasked with inquiring into and reporting on risks to individuals and the community associated with voluntary assisted dying and whether and how these risks can be managed.

Countries that have legalised euthanasia and assisted suicide show us that legalised killing can never be safe.

Read posts on the HOPE site to hear from the medical professionals who oppose this dangerous practice:

Read also about how supposed ‘safeguards’ have failed in other countries:

We need to make sure our voices are heard. Submissions close on Friday, 23 February.

Click here for more information about making a submission. Submissions should be emailed to [email protected]. Please let the Committee know if you would like to keep your submission confidential.

The first page of your submission must include:

  • Name of the committee and the inquiry [Select Committee on End of Life Choices in the ACT]
  • Author's name (or, if an organisation, the organisation’s name and a contact person);
  • A postal address and contact telephone number; and
  • An e-mail address (if possible).

Your submission does not need to be long, but we need to speak up! Together, let’s tell our parliament that we can do better.