HOPE: Preventing Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide is a coalition of groups and individuals who oppose the legalisation of euthanasia and assisted suicide and support measures that will make euthanasia and assisted suicide unthinkable.

HOPE is a single issue group. We recognise that there are many issues that our supporters may be interested in — but we focus solely on euthanasia & assisted suicide. As such we welcome anyone who stands with us on this issue regardless of the positions they hold on any other issue.

HOPE: preventing euthanasia & assisted suicide exists to build a well-informed broadly-based network of groups and individuals to create an effective social and civic barrier to euthanasia and assisted suicide.

We argue from a human rights and justice perspective based upon the firm belief that euthanasia and assisted suicide pose significant risks for vulnerable people of all ages.

Respect for others remains a paramount principle.  HOPE will work with anyone who opposes the legalisation of euthanasia and assisted suicide.  Political or personal ideology and religious beliefs or practices will be respected. All people who support the principles and practices of HOPE are welcome.


To oppose the legalisation of euthanasia and assisted suicide and to support measures that will make euthanasia and assisted suicide unthinkable. We will aim to:

  • Build networks with like-minded people across Australia who support our aims.
  • Present a united voice in presentations to governments or other organisations with respect to issues related to euthanasia and assisted suicide.  
  • Network and exchange information between supporters and concerned people.  
  • Develop an educational and media strategy for educating the public on issues related to euthanasia and assisted suicide.
  • Build a research team for collecting and assessing information.  
  • Organise events and promote quality speakers who can address issues related to euthanasia, assisted suicide, and hospice/palliative care.  
  • Encourage people from all walks of life to engage in the public debate and to raise such matters with their political representatives.
  • Create the opportunity for informative debate.  

At HOPE, we are working for a better informed society — one that understands the real and insurmountable problems with euthanasia and assisted suicide. We are working to help people become involved in building a positive message, in standing up and making a real difference.

I hope that you’ll spend time in the pages of this website and that you’ll join us in letting our legislators know that you oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide and why.