Isle of Man rejects euthanasia

On the 3rd of February, the parliament of the Isle of Man (known as The House of Keys) rejected a euthanasia initiative by a margin of 17 to 5. 

The Isle of Man, like the Channel Islands, is a self-governing British Dependency with the British Monarch as its head of state.

( NB: Jersey, Channel Islands, (the writer's ancestral home) debated euthanasia many years ago; nearby Guernsey rejected a bill in 2004.)

This most recent defeat follows a similarly result in the Welsh National Assembly in December where the result was 21 to 12.

Reports suggest that the bill under scrutiny in Holyrood, the Scottish Parliament, is also likely to fail at the next hurdle.

Where does this leave the debate in the House of Lords? Lord Falconer's 'Assisted Dying' Bill has effectively run out of time for debate before Parliament is prorogued ahead of the UK General Election in May this year. It is expected to be re-introduced shortly thereafter.

With two and possibly three parliaments of the Realm now rejecting the euthanasia & assisted suicide will the new parliament push through on the matter when clearly now Britain is divided.

The focus in the UK now turns to the General Election itself.