Such also claims that his bill would have the cause of death not listed as 'suicide or homicide' on the death certificate. This might preclude the need for a coronial inquiry - which could potentially hide abuse. It's also a lie. Is Such asking doctor's to lie? Can we expect...
Key is confused here. The article in theAdelaide Advertisertoday records Key as saying that the Oregon laws allow a patient to carry out euthanasia themselves. She later defines her 'preferred model' as creating an option for euthanasia. One cannot carry out euthanasia for oneself - it is either suicide, pure...
NPR, from October 1 - 11, 2012asked 3000 respondents their opinions concerning assisted suicide. The diverse coalition of groups in Massachusetts included people from all parts of the political spectrum. Possibly the most effective group in the coalition was thedisability rights group, Second Thoughts,that was led by John Kelly. *...
This update on developments in Belgium has a familiar ring to it. The latest 'Trojan Horse' euthanasia bill in South Australia ( ) has a provision that, should a doctor have a conscientious objection to killing his or her patient, they must refer the patient on to someone who will...
blog: An article published today in the Connexion, France's English newspaper states thatAssisted Suicide may be allowedin France.The article concerns the report from the Comité Consultatif National d'Ethique in France that examined the issues of euthanasia and assisted suicide and concluded that assisted suicide may be legalized but stated that...
UK Mail Online'Doctors must learn care and compassion': Prince Charles claims modern medicine is putting the 'human touch' at riskThe Health Service must learn to listen to its patients and be more caring, Prince Charles saidyesterday. Read more:
comments on a new push in Belgium:Wesley Smith Belgian Euthanasia to Expand to Minors Belgium has jumped head-first off a vertical moral cliff with its euthanasia law. As I have documented here and elsewhere, the Belgians have permitted joint euthanasia deaths of an elderly couple and now couple organ harvesting...
A new report by Living and Dying Well UK reviewing the data on assisted suicide in the US states of Oregon and Washington stand contrary to assertions that the laws there work well: PHYSICIAN-ASSISTED SUICIDE IN OREGON AND WASHINGTON In a report published today Living and Dying Well updates its...
, ran a story on Dr. Nitschke and his promotion of nitrogen for suicide. , ran a story on Dr. Nitschke and his promotion of nitrogen for suicide. For the first time, he admitted that he imports the nitrogen canisters from China and the report said that he did so...
BioEdge Euthanasia "trivialized" in Belgium: report by bioethics institute...