Debates on euthanasia: the soul of medicine is on trialby Sinéad Donnelly I come from a long line of doctors; since 1905, three generations and seven doctors. From my general practitioner grandfather I have learned the art of attending in medicine. From my physician father I have learned the art...
Assisted dying proposals rejected as too damaging Assisted dying proposals rejected as too damaging Assisted dying proposals rejected as too damaging A change in the law on assisted dying would 'permit people actively to participate in bringing about the deaths of other individuals, something that, apart from cases of self...
Mr Erickson smothered his partner, Julie Kuhn in January this year in their Armidale home. Ms Kuhn had debilitating arthritis, was confined to a wheelchair and had recently suffered a stroke. Mr Erickson was her carer. Three weeks ago, Mr Erickson pleaded guilty to a charge of murder and was...
The Euthanasia Laws Act was introduced by Liberal MP, Kevin Andrews in 1996. It's objective was to remove from the limited governmental powers of the Australian Territories (namely: The Northern Territory, The Australian Capital Territory and Norfolk Island) the ability to pass legislation in regards to end-of-life issues such as...
An article in the Sydney Morning Herald today says that Greens Senator Richard Di Natale will move to repeal the Euthanasia Laws Act (known also as the Andrews' Bill).Di Natale said that his party was drafting new legislation. This is kind of strange because now-retired Senator Bob Brown's 2010 bill...
"And when we say 'now stop doing that imagining' and then we see the little blob in the brain disappear. But when we say start it again now the blob lights up again," he said. "It became very clear that Scott had some awareness and he could respond in the...
Washington Times Washington Times Inclusion key in anti-suicide drive Inclusion key in anti-suicide drive Inclusion key in anti-suicide drive By Valerie Richardson By Valerie Richardson The anti-euthanasia movement found new life last week after voters in Massachusetts defied the conventional wisdom by rejecting a physician-assisted suicide initiative.In a setback for...
) ran a short piece on the suicide death of an 89 woman by the name of Susan Potts. ) ran a short piece on the suicide death of an 89 woman by the name of Susan Potts. The report said that Ms Potts had killed herself by ingesting nembutal...
The debate about the right to a good death is not helped by use of the E-word. Euthanasia has some unfortunate historical connotations and is also inaccurate. Assisted dying is a more apt description because the choice belongs to patients....
With less than two days to the US Presidential Election and the assisted suicide ballot in Massachusetts, two doctors speak out against the move.Physician-assisted suicide is not a right. It's a wrong.Ira Byock The following letter by Ira Byock was published in the New York Times on November 4, 2012....