Research proves that PVS people can communicate.

  A summary of the recent news reports on this interesting development from Alex Schadenberg:  Continue reading

Crossing the Line? (and creating another arbitrary line)

  Last Sunday evening the Australian Seven network (Sunday Night program Continue reading

Insurance company to pay for euthanasia deaths at Dutch euthanasia clinic.

  The Netherlands media has reported that Health Insurance Group Menzies will pay for the euthanasia deaths that occur at the the euthanasia clinic that is operated by the euthanasia lobby in the Netherlands (NVVE) and opened March 1, 2012. This is the same euthanasia clinic that set-up the six mobile euthanasia units.The article that was published on November 2, 2012 by stated: Continue reading

Two Doctors comment on assisted suicide

  With less than two days to the US Presidential Election and the assisted suicide ballot in Massachusetts, two doctors speak out against the move.Physician-assisted suicide is not a right. It's a wrong. Continue reading

Shifting sands in death debate

The Sydney Morning Herald has been continuing its run of articles on assisted suicide in the last few days.   Giving some balance to the issue is another personal reflection from Continue reading

Boston Globe says NO to assisted suicide

In the past few weeks a number of American newspapers, many but not all in Massachusetts have editorialized opposition to the Massachsetts Ballot Question 2 on assisted suicide. The ballot question will be voted on by Mass. citizens as part of the voting in the US Presidential Ballot on November 6.  Yesterday the left-liberal Continue reading

How can you prevent Elder Abuse

Elder Abuse prevention should be everyone's business! A good article and some sound advice from  The Shed Online website: Continue reading

Suicide by Choice? Not So Fast - a disability perspective

This is a great article on why Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide should never be legal from a disabilities perspective. First published in the  :New York Times Continue reading

Euthanasia opens floodgates of nastiness

Columnist Rosemary McLeod writes for the New Zealand Dominion Post. Some readers may find themselves in disagreement with some of her comments that do not pertain to euthanasia and assisted suicide; but we must remember: people from all walks of life, political and religious persuasions correctly find fault with state sanctioned killing: Euthanasia opens floodgates of nastinessArticle appeared online at Continue reading

It makes you think...two great letters to editors on disability and assisted suicide

Some people have the ability to get the tone of a letter to an editor just right and they seem, always, to get published (though I'm sure this isn't always the case). The following letters again focused on the Massachusetts Ballot Question 2 and appeared recently in New England newspapers:Dear Editor: (Boston Herald)  Continue reading