Only 1.6 beds per 1000 people: chaos in Oregon

The horrors of the COVID-19 virus has exposed the effect on the availability of health care in jurisdictions that have legalised euthanasia and assisted suicide.

According to the Lund Report, the US state of Oregon, which has had an assisted suicide regime for more than 20 years, has the lowest ratio of hospital beds to population in the United States.

At just 1.6 hospital beds per 1000 patients, Dr Renee Edwards, the Chief Medical Officer at Oregon Health and Science University has predicted hospitals will not have the capacity to treat the expected numbers of COVID-19 cases. 

“Without a significant slowing of COVID-19, Oregon will not be able to serve the hospital needs of Oregonians without creating more beds,” Edwards said.

An unprecedented joint effort from different hospitals to “to coordinate beds, add capacity and share resources” still will not be enough.

From the report:

“Besides adding and shifting beds on-site, hospitals may need to move patients who don’t require critical care to clinics or other facilities to free up intensive care units.

“That could include moving patients who need rehab to another facility.

“Displacement” is a term that Oregonians might have to get used to. Another word that’s becoming all too common: “shortage.”

“In two weeks, the Portland metro area will run out of the disposable gowns, gloves and masks that are crucial for health care workers, Dr. Jennifer Vines, tri-county lead health officer, announced Tuesday.

“Overloaded hospitals might have to erect tents outside … to triage patients and determine which are in the most dire need of care.”

Meanwhile, euthanasia lobby group Compassion & Choices is lobbying for telehealth resources to continue to be used for assisted suicide consultations, even amidst the extreme health crisis now engulfing the world.

A health system without enough hospital beds to treat those who want to live.  A lobby group wanting to make sure limited resources are used on ending – and not saving – lives. 

So much for “choices.”