Tag: Queensland

While the management of risk is something that most of us deal with every day in some fashion, when that risk comes in the form of the loss of a life, it is simply not a risk society can afford to take. Award winning British author, Terry Pratchett's macabre fascination...
The in Vancouver (June 3 - 4) was a tremendous success. The goals that were set-out before the Symposium were surpassed. The DVD's of the Symposium will be available in early July for $50 for the complete set. The Third International Symposium was organized by the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC).I...
On the 17th of May I was invited by the Sydney University Union to speak at a 'Q & A style' debate on the issue of euthanasia & assisted suicide. With me on the 'no' side was Dr. Andrew Pesce, President of the who spoke exceptionally well about why the...
Last week's headline in the South Australian Advertiser: was a welcome, if not entirely true, statement.Bill to allow euthenasia (sic) in limited circumstances looks likely to fail in Parliament The bill in question, Steph Key's CRIMINAL LAW CONSOLIDATION (MEDICAL DEFENCES—END OF LIFE ARRANGEMENTS) AMENDMENT BILL, has indeed taken some heavy...
Recent news in respect to court proceedings against Mr. David Scott Mathers for the assisted suicide of his partner, Eva Griffith in July 2009, deserve scrutiny; as do comments from Dr. Nitschke and from Michael Duffy in the .Sydney Morning Herald First it needs to be noted that Mr. Mathers...
English school children exposed to Dr. Death's suicide methods as BBC plans to show documentary of a suicide death at Dignitas. Revelations this week that a UK company that produces educational videos for school children has included in its production vision of Dr. Nitschke's 'death machine', explanations on how it...
HOPE director, Paul Russell was invited to comment on euthanasia on the ABC's 7:30 Report twice in recent weeks: ABC in Hobart: CLICK HERE to view ABC in Adelaide: CLICK HERE to view...