Tag: Queensland

The Catholic Church in Quebec is fighting back against the government’s encroachment on religious freedom, filing a lawsuit to challenge a law that seeks to force their palliative care facilities to provide euthanasia. Canada’s leading Catholic news outlet, The Catholic Register, reports that in 2016, the Catholic Archdiocese of Montreal...
Reports following the euthanasia deaths of former Dutch Prime Minister, Dries van Agt and his wife, Eugenie on 5 February have – perhaps inadvertently – highlighted the problems with ‘euthanasia for couples.’ A media release from The Rights Forum, an advocacy group founded by van Agt, described the deaths as...
The Northern Territory Legislative Assembly is currently conducting a public consultation about proposed euthanasia and assisted suicide laws for the territory. Participants are invited to complete an online survey, which asks a series of questions about the form that euthanasia and assisted suicide laws should take. The questions contained in...
Not content with one euthanasia death every 40 minutes in Canada, pro-death advocates are using lawfare to purge even the smallest pockets of resistance throughout the country. Activist organisations, including Dying with Dignity Canada, have announced the intention to file a lawsuit against St Paul’s Catholic hospital in Vancouver because...
As the ACT Legislative Assembly concludes its inquiry into the provisions of proposed euthanasia and assisted suicide laws for the territory, euthanasia activists are revealing their willingness to engage in the most unethical forms of scaremongering to try in an effort to secure the most extreme euthanasia laws in the...
When euthanasia and assisted suicide were being pushed in Victoria, and then in every other state, one of the central arguments made by pro-euthanasia advocates related to elderly suicides. Organisations such as the Victorian Coroner’s Office and South Australia Police argued in favour of legalised euthanasia as a means of...
Despite the fact that the ACT is already proposing the country’s most radical euthanasia regime, the ACT Human Rights Commission thinks it doesn’t go far enough. It is pushing for teenagers and people with dementia to be given access to the regime. In their submission to the ACT Select Committee...
The West Australian Voluntary Assisted Dying Board recently released its annual report, covering the period from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. It can be tempting to treat these reports as proforma documents that provide the data required by law and not much else. However, these brief reports still...
It has been two months since the Queensland Government announced that a man had died after taking the lethal drugs intended for his wife, and still the public have no information about what happened and what the government intends to do to prevent it from happening again. The first annual...
Instead of calling on the government to ensure patients in rural and remote areas receive access to palliative care as a matter of urgent priority, two independent MPs – Kate Chaney and Dr Monique Ryan – are pushing for the government to make it easier for people to get access...