Tag: Queensland

We always expected the ACT would have the worst legislation in Australia. The release of the text of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023 (Bill) confirms this to be true. Here are five ways in which the Bill is worse than most other Australian jurisdictions. It has the lowest threshold...
In 2022, a staggering 4.1 per cent of all deaths in Canada were attributed to euthanasia and assisted suicide (euphemistically named “Medical Assistance in Dying” (MAiD)), according to figures provided in the latest annual report on euthanasia statistics, released by the country's health ministry. This equates to 13,241 individuals -...
Following the passing of a law overturning a ban on the ACT and Northern Territory passing euthanasia laws late last year, the ACT has now introduced its draft euthanasia laws into the legislative assembly. As predicted, the laws are set to be the most extreme in Australia. Canberrans will need...
A concerning new study conducted by researchers at Kingston University has revealed that in the Netherlands, a number of people with autism or learning disabilities “chose to die legally through euthanasia and assisted suicide due to feeling unable to cope with the world, changes around them or because they struggled...
The story of James “Jim” Mills reported by the ABC this week is a tragic illustration of the inevitable perils of legalised assisted dying. Jim was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2021 and was receiving National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funding for a visual impairment that he then began to...
Guernsey is a small island in the British Isles, with a population of around 65,000 people. Like in many other jurisdictions, there have been several attempts to legalise euthanasia and assisted suicide on the island. In these debates, no matter the jurisdictions, we hear the same arguments made in support...
When we hear about charities, we often imagine organisations with proud histories of humanitarian missions: feeding, clothing and housing those in need, providing healthcare to the sick and saving lives. Not so for Australia’s Dr Death, according to Bioedge, Philip Nitschke has managed to obtain tax-deductibility status in the US...
A hospital in Canada has issued an apology to a mentally ill woman who attended the hospital seeking care and support when she was suicidal, but who was offered euthanasia instead. The incident reveals the dangers of legalising euthanasia and demonstrates what happens when the practice becomes normalised and is...
“This is a government that has been in power too long and is riding roughshod over the community. Its euthanasia plans are just the latest campaign in implementing its radical agenda without any constraints”. The Deputy Opposition Leader in Canberra Jeremy Hanson has called out the ACT government’s radical euthanasia...
With the recent legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide in all states in Australia, a new ethical frontier has opened up – the issue of organ donation in the context of euthanasia and assisted suicide. An article published in the Medical Journal of Australia argues that organ donation should be...