Why was Nitschke let into the UK?

UK CareNotKilling director,  Dr Peter Saunders asks why UK authorities let Dr. Nitschke into the country for a series of suicide workshops: Continue reading

NZ: Euthanasia Bill a grave threat to our community

Mike Sullivan, from  Saving Downs New Zealand explains why Maryan Street MP's euthanasia bill (and all euthanasia bill puts people living with disabilities at risk: Continue reading

Wild Cat suicide school in Europe

Telling it like it is, looks at both sides of the assisted suicide coin:Wesley Smith Continue reading

Ban assisted suicide websites says UK Mum

A sad tale of grief and unanswered questions from the UK :Croydon Guardian Continue reading

Belgium and the Netherlands escalate their children's euthanasia programmes

This chilling summary of new euthanasia law extensions in Belgium and The Netherlands is by UK CareNotKilling director,  :Peter Saunders Continue reading

Quebec Euthanasia: Journalism Malpractice

 exposes the falsehoods in the Quebec euthanasia debate. They won't call it for what it really is... Wesley Smith  Continue reading

Elder Abuse - the 'long-term grinding down of the soul'

Discussion on the impact of Elder Abuse is an important element in the debate on euthanasia & assisted suicide.  The Australian Continue reading

Quebec euthanasia bill (Bill 52) a short overview.

Alex Schadenberg  comments on the introduction of a euthanasia bill into the Quebec parliament:  Continue reading

Euthanasia - if it's not killing, then what is it?

Advocates for euthanasia know that, to achieve their agenda, they need to change the language with which we discuss the issue.  If, as I have done, I use statements such as 'state-sanctioned killing' or 'when a doctor kills...' or even 'death by lethal injection' I'm said to be being 'harsh',  'inflammatory' or, the obvious: 'that's not helpful!' Not helpful? Indeed, it's not helpful to the pro-euthanasia agenda precisely because such comments are accurate. As any salesman knows, you can dress the product up with fancy words and sweet talk; but, at the end of the transaction, the customer still gets the same product. Continue reading

Please, doctor, put him out of our misery

MercatorNet's Michael Cook  explains the new Dutch policy on killing children by euthanasia.  Continue reading